ICCCI organises and participates in business, cultural and political events strengthening ties between the Czech Republic and the State of Israel. Here we introduce a part of our activities in the first ten years of ICCCI’s history.


Gratias Agit Award 2020 to Mr. David Avraham Hercky

2020 - Gratias Agit Award 2020 to Mr. David Avraham Hercky

Embassy of the Czech Republic in Tel Aviv ceremoniously presented the Gratias Agit Award 2020 to Mr. David Avraham Hercky. The award is presented to those who spread the good name of the Czech Republic abroad. Mr. David Avraham Hercky is the Honorary Consul of the Czech Republic in Eilat and the Chairman of the Israel-Czech Chamber of Commerce. Thanks to his support and personal commitment, the Czech Republic is successfully involved in many business, economic, and tourism activities.

The presentation of the Gratias Agit Award 2020, which is traditionally organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, did not escape the changes caused by the global Covid-19 pandemic.

Crossing Israel

The Czech Television broadcasted a new Czech document Crossing Israel, sponsored by ICCCI and its partners among Israeli companies.


Seminar about the Innovation Strategy of the Czech Republic

2019 - Seminar about the Innovation Strategy of the Czech Republic

ICCCI co-organized, together with Representatives from Czech invest and Czech trade an investment seminar that took place at ‎Whiskey Bar & Museum in Tel-Aviv. Our guests learned about the Innovation Strategy of the Czech Republic 2019 – 2030, which favours R&D, smart investments and innovations, digitization and start-ups. Governmental incentives were presented as part of the country’s objective to become an ideal place for future investments.


Tarta-Fire Truck for Israel

2018 - Tarta-Fire Truck for Israel

There, in Český Les (the Czech Forest) located in Yattir Forest in the South of Israel, Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael  – The Jewish National Fund (KKL-JNF) cordially organised an inauguration ceremony of a TATRA-FIRE TRUCK donated by the Government of the Czech Republic following the horrendous forest-fires which blazed through Israel in November 2016.

Festive Business Forum at the Dan Tel Aviv

As part of the official visit of Czech President Miloš Zeman to Israel, The Israel-Czech Chamber of Commerce and Industry, together with the federation of Israeli chambers of commerce, the Export Institute, The manufacturer’s association, The foreign trade administration and The Czech Embassy held a festive business forum at the Dan Tel Aviv Hotel. The Czech Minister of industry and trade led a high-level delegation from the business sector and economic organizations in the country coming to the event to meet and engage with leading companies and entrepreneurs from a wide range of sectors in the Israeli economy.


Fintech Innovation Summit - Czech Focus

2017 - Fintech Innovation Summit

​ICCCI organized the first Fintech Summit aiming to bridge the Israeli fintech community and the financial and banking sector of the Czech Republic. Special thanks to Pavel Kysilka, Petr Benes and Oded Ofek for sharing their insight on fintech, banking and investments between Israel and the Czech Republic.  The event was sponsored by M. Firon & Co law Firm and IFBC. Our partners: PwC Israel, Israel Export Institute, Israel Manufacturers Association, Czech Embassy in Tel Aviv and CISOK our sister chamber in Prague.

Visit of Mrs. Adriana Krnáčová, Mayor of the city of Prague

ICCCI was delighted to host Mrs. Adriana Krnáčová Mayor of Prague and her team during her visit in Israel. The visit focused on identifying Israeli smart and safe city technologies and our chamber organized a business forum in which Israeli companies met with the team. We also arranged a meeting with the leadership of Egged bus company and we concluded the visit with an informal dinner.

Visit of  Mr. Martin Stropnický, Czech Minister of Defence

The Czech Minister of Defence Stropnický arrived on an official visit to Israel in which he met with PM Netanyahu and President Rivlin. ICCCI hosted a round table dinner with the minister, members of the Czech MoD delegation and executives of leading defence industries.


Israel - Czech Business Forum

2016 - Israel-Czech Business Forum

The Business Forum took place in the framework of the G2G talks and included greetings by H.E Czech Minister of Trade Mr. Jan Mládek and H.E Israel Minister of Finance H.E Mr. Moshe Kahlon, a panel discussion with executives of 3 Israeli companies (3M, Cann, Elta) and 3 Czech companies (Skoda Transportation, PrimeCell Therapeutics, TTC Marconi). The forum was concluded with speeches of H.E Czech Prime Minister Mr. Bohuslav Sobotka and H.E Israel Prime Minister Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu.


Israeli president visits the Czech Republic

2015 - Reuven Rivlin visit Czech Republic

President of the State of Israel, Mr. Reuven Rivlin visited the Czech Republic.  ICCCI in partnership with the Israel Export and International Cooperation Institute, the Manufacturer Association of Israel organized an official business delegation which participated in several events during the visit.

Inauguration Ceremony of the Vaclav Havel's Place

ICCCI in partnership with the Czech Embassy in Tel Aviv, Czech Centre in Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv University, Dr. Eli Fischer and CISOK organized the unveiling ceremony of the artfact at TAU Campus.

Israel - Czech Business Forum in Prague

Business Forum took place during the State visit of the president of Israel in the Czech Republic together with the business delegation and other distinguished guests. The event included a mutual statement of both presidents as well as the signing of MOU for developing business cooperation between the two chambers of commerce.

Opening a new Czech Consulate in the city of Eilat

Mr. David Hercky, Chairman of the Israel - Czech Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Honorary Consul of the Czech Republic in South of Israel opened a new consulate in the city of Eilat.


Visit of Česká Spořitelna Bank leadership

2014 - Visit of Ceska Sporitelna Bank leadership

ICCCI hosted Mr. Pavel Kysilka, CEO and Chairman of the largest bank in the Czech Republic and organized B2B meetings with Israeli companies focusing on cyber, finance and technology as well as with the leadership of Bank Mizrahi Tefahot and Bank Leumi.

Cooperation in Medicine’s Development

ICCCI hosted MUDr. Svatopluk Němeček, Czech Minister of Health during his visit to Israel in which he met with Israeli companies and Mrs. Yael German, Israel Minister of Health to discuss cooperation and development of Medical Cannabis trading.


Presidential Visit to Israel

2013 - Milos Zeman visit Israel

ICCCI held Gala dinner in honour H.E. Mr. Miloš Zeman, President of the Czech Republic during his official visit to Israel. Additionally, we held a business seminar to the business delegation accompanied the president and we took part in the official dinner held by H.E. Mr. Shimon Peres, President of the state of Israel.

Award for Mr. Pojar

ICCCI awarded H.E. Mr. Tomas Pojar with an award for extraordinary merits in his ongoing commitment and substantial support of our chamber and for his outstanding dedication and significant contribution to the diplomatic and commercial relations between the Czech Republic and the State of Israel


Israel has "no better friends in Europe than the Czech Republic"

2012 - Benjamin Netanyahu visit Prague

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu affirmed Israel’s strong ties with the Czech Republic, calling the country Israel’s best friend in Europe. Israel has “no better friends in Europe than the Czech Republic,” Netanyahu said during a two-day visit to Prague.


Declaration of Cooperation with Czechs

2011 - Declaration of Cooperation - Karel Schwarzenberg

Newly established Israeli-Czech Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ICCCI) further strengthened economic relations. ICCCI members signed a declaration of cooperation with the Czech-Israeli Mutual Chamber of Commerce  (ČISOK) during the visit of the Czech Minister of Foreign Affairs, Karel Schwarzenberg in Israel.

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